Huntsville Master Chorale

Business Address:

PO Box 1774
Huntsville, AL 35807

Category: Music

 The Huntsville Master Chorale provides vibrant musical performances, developing singers, commissioning original compositions, and promoting community through choral singing and collaborating with other local arts groups. While the Chorale provides musical growth for singers, it also provides educational opportunities for area musicians, composers, and music educators. Through workshops and Meet the Composer events, we bring tools, perspectives, and master class teaching opportunities that enrich our arts community.

The Chorale has a particular heart for commissioning new works. Composition is where music begins, and we feel honored to participate in the process. The Chorale consistently brings new musical works to life, both from composers of international renown and in the local area.

Above all, we seek to promote unity through music. We believe that corporate music provides the unique opportunity to offer peace, inclusion and harmony to all involved, performer and listener alike.