Julie Crews

Oil painting of inflatable pool unicorn float.
An oil painting of a house on a sunny day.
An oil painting of a building exterior on a sunny day.
Oil painting of clothes hanging in a closet.
Oil painting of a toy radio.

Business Address:

Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment, Studio 2007
2211 Seminole Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805

Categories: Painting / Visual Arts

Julie Crews is an oil painter. She grew up in Asheville, North Carolina and Southern California. She lives in Huntsville, Alabama with her husband and five children. She operates an open studio, gallery and retail space at Lowe Mill. Julie also frequently gets her left and right mixed up, but has a really good sense of direction.

About her work, she says:

“There is irony in my studio practice. I hope I give the viewer of my oil paintings a remote glimpse into my personal life. My work concentrates on the very scenes of domestic life that take me away from the studio and is intensely personal. I escape certain domestic tethers while at the easel, yet there remains before me the scenery of my life: the roads I continuously taxi, shopping at secondhand stores for five children, views of the backyard and of public spaces we visit. Somehow this oscillation yields a stabilizing effect on me and my work. How areas of the home are treated, the traffic and landscapes encountered while running errands, and the moods of people engaged in banal tasks influence my life, and therefore, art.”